The Big Three
C/LTC Caedmon Holland
I am very active in FHS in both academics and extracurriculars. In school, I take a host of AP, IB, and Honors classes. In JROTC, in addition to being Battalion Commander, I am a member of the Raider Team. After school, I participate in many activities such as being the Founder and President of the Investment Club, I am principal Bari Sax in the marching band, and I am the Treasurer of many Honor Societies.
The Battalion Commander position (BC) is the highest position in the Admiral Battalion. The Battalion Commander leads the Staff through the Executive Officer and leads the Company Commanders directly. As leader of the entire Battalion, it is important for the Battalion Commander to make fast and intelligent decisions. The Battalion Commander must provide the purpose, direction, and motivation to guide the entire Battalion towards success.
C/CSM Simeon Petrounov
I play the violin the FHS Orchestra program. I take honors classes. The JROTC program is my main extracurricular focus. I am the CSM of the JROTC Admiral Battalion and an active leader on our JROTC Raider Team.
The Command Sergeant Major position is the highest NCO leadership position in the JROTC Admiral Battalion. The Command Sergeant Major is responsible for the welfare of the enlisted men and woman of the Battalion. The Command Sergeant Major’s Color Guard is a professional and well-trained unit. The Command Sergeant Major is responsible for keeping the flags up to date with the times and must provide the troops with purpose, direction, and motivation. The Command Sergeant Major supports the Battalion Commander and the Battalion Executive Officer in any situation and always has their best interests in mind.